在開普敦的第二天, 我找了家旅行社, 騎著他們提供的單車前往好望角, 在出發的前一刻, 一個亞洲面孔的女孩叫住了我,
“Hey, Are you a Red Sox Fan?” 她打趣的說
“Oh! I’m not, but I’m a Yankee Fan.”
I biked to Cape of Good Hope at the second day when I was in Cape Town. At the moment when I started to bike, an Asian girl just asked me.
“Hey, Are you a Red Sox Fan?”
“Oh! I’m not, but I’m Yankee Fan.”
(Tham and I)
根據事後她告訴我, 因為有人跟她說我住在美國的Boston, 於是她問了這個問題, 但沒想到我硬是反骨的回答了我是紐約洋基隊的球迷 (因為紐約洋基和Boston紅襪隊是世仇). 這樣一問一答之下我們就認識了
She told me that she was told that I live in Boston, United States so she was asking me about Red Sox. However, I am actually not Red Sox Fan because I was studying in upstate New York for few years before moving to Boston.
她的名字叫做Tham, 是在美國長大的越南人, 和她在英國航空做地勤的朋友Tricia拿著英國航空的員工票就來南非旅行.
Her name is Tham, a Vietnamese who grew up in United States. She and her friend Tricia, who is working in British airways traveled together to South Africa for the Thanksgiving holidays from United States.
Tham介紹了坐在她旁邊的Thomas給我認識, Thomas是在邁阿密工作的德國裔美國人, 雖然她只比我早五分鐘認識Thomas, 但是Tham開朗的個性好像已經和Thomas認識很久了
Then, Tham introduce Thomas to me though she only knew him five minitues earlier than me. Thomas was born in Germany and grew up in United States. He is working in Miami now.
(Tham, Thomas和我一起在好望角), Tham, Thomas, and me
問到Tham和Tricia為什麼會加入這個單車行程, 她們不斷說其實她們什麼都沒有計畫, 來到了開普敦就問了hostel的老闆有什麼行程可以看到非洲企鵝, 老闆推薦了這個行程, 本來只預期看看企鵝就回家的她們, 只穿了雙脫鞋就來參加了, 沒想到看完企鵝之後, 就要開始騎單車, 完全超乎她們想像
抱怨歸抱怨, 看起來大家還是玩的蠻開心的
I was asking Tham and Tricia why they wanted to join this biking tour. They told me that they didn’t have any plans for this trip here. They just wanted to visit Penguins so the owner of their hostel recommended this tour to them. They didn’t even know that they were going to bike to the Cape of Good Hope so they only wore the slippers as I remembered.
和他們真的很談得來, 於是我們相約晚上到開普敦的Waterfront吃海鮮, 開普敦的Waterfront是有名的觀光區, 物價當然就非常高, 不過食物的品質還不錯就是了,
They are very easygoing so we had seafood dinner together in the waterfront of Cape Town after the biking. There were lots of restaurant with pricy food in Waterfront, but the food was great.
Then, I was drunk after drinking lots of wine and Champaign.
Then, I was drunk after drinking lots of wine and Champaign.
因為食物的價錢高, 老實說我算了算荷包, 非常擔心這餐即將會超出我的預算, 然後Thomas似乎很會喝酒, 開了幾瓶紅酒, 結帳時一看, 這餐居然吃掉了美金近三百(台幣一萬). 我根本沒有帶那麼多錢來付這頓晚餐, Thomas把帳單接過去, 霸氣的把整個帳單用他的信用卡刷下來, 他請了我們這一頓晚餐
I was so surprised that it cost us 280 dollars for the dinner. It’s so expensive! Thomas bought us the dinner. Thanks Thomas.
後來才知道他的工作是關於進出口貿易, 這點晚餐錢對他真的沒什麼
感謝Thomas, 和Tham, Thomas, 和Tricia的晚餐之後, 我在約翰尼斯堡待了幾天後就前往尚比亞和辛巴威邊界上的維多利亞瀑布, 我住在尚比亞邊界上的小鎮: 李文斯頓(Livingstone), 前往辛巴威側的維多利亞瀑布國家公園, 必須穿過跨越尚比西河的維多利亞橋, 在橋上有人叫住了我,
“Hey, Is this the way to Zimbabwe?” 一個二十多歲的年輕小夥子問我
“Yeah, Are you going to Victoria Fall at Zimbabwe side?” 我猜想他想到另一邊去看看
“No, I’d like to try the bungee jumping” 原來他想要去高空彈跳
我早就聽說維多利亞橋的高空彈跳是極限運動者的必定拜訪之地, 詢問之下才發現這個年輕小夥子(他的名字是Luis), Luis是巴西人, 他非常喜歡許多刺激的活動, 在試過跳傘之後, 他決定一定要來維多利亞瀑布這裡縱身一跳,
After having dinner with Thomas, Tham, and Tricia and visiting Johannesburg for few days, I was heading to Victoria Falls. To visit the Zimbabwe side of Victoria Falls, I have to pass the Victoria bridge which is cross the Zambezi River, the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. Then, I met a young guy when I was on the bridge.
“Hey, is this the way to Zimbabwe?”
“Yeah, are you going to Victoria Falls at Zimbabwe side?”
“No, I’d like to try the bungee jumping.”
I knew that lots of people like to come here to do bungee jumping. Luis is a Brazilian and did skydiving before. He was coming to Victoria Falls for this: Bungee Jumping.
(我和熱愛極限運動的Luis) Luis and me
於是我答應他,, 在他高空彈跳時幫他拍照, 拍下了這樣的照片
事後他告訴我, 跳下去的感覺, 就像是全部的血液集中到大腦, 頭像是要爆炸了一樣, 問他有機會還要不要再嘗試, 他當場就說一定還要! (我可是一點都不敢嘗試這麼刺激的活動, 不過也許明年有機會前往紐西蘭會試試看吧)
I took pictures for him when he was doing bungee jumping because I was afraid of doing that. He told me that he felt all of the blood went to his head. It’s awesome.
除了辛巴威側的維多利亞瀑布, 我也前往了尚比亞側的瀑布, 我在尚比亞維多利亞瀑布國家公園門口, 想要和這塊招牌一起合照, 對獨自旅行的我是有點困難的, 於是我使用了iphone的自拍功能, 拍了幾張照片
In addition to the Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe side, I also visited the Zambia side of the Victoria Falls. I used my iphone to take this picture for me and the sign because I can use iphone to take the picture for myself.
這時我看到了旁邊有個人, 獨自騎著單車前來, 他似乎也想要和這塊招牌合照, 於是他拿出他的相機, 學著我用iphone自拍, 我看著就笑了出來, 直接就和他打招呼, 於是我們合照了
Then, I saw a guy walking alone, and he wanted to take a picture of himself by his camera. It looked funny so I was asking him if he need me to take pictures for him. Then, we took a picture together.
他的名字是Mike, 是住在Livingstone的尚比亞人, Mike和他的朋友一起開了一家旅行社, 安排觀光客拜訪維多利亞瀑布的行程, 今天Mike到維多利亞瀑布就是來拍攝一些可以給旅行社使用的照片, 他們的旅行社業務才剛開始, 已經找到了像荷蘭航空公司這麼大的合作夥伴, 在這裡我就順便幫他的旅行社打個廣告吧, 底下是他們旅行社的網頁
His name is Mike, a Zambian living in Livingstone. Mike and his friend have a travel agency. They can arranged the itinerary in Victoria falls area for tourists. The reason why Mike came here today was to take few pictures for his agency. They just started their business but they were able to find KLM as their collaborator. I just advertise his company here for him! Here is the website of his company.
假如你有機會來維多利亞瀑布一遊, 如果想要找local的旅行社幫你安排行程, 找Mike, 他的company絕對可以幫到你很多忙的!
If you have a chance to visit Victoria Fall and would like to ask for help from an agency. Then, talk to Mike. He will be able to help you to organize your tour!